Bayseed Collective Initiatives

Reproducing New Churches

We believe that the most effective way to reach the millions of people who dwell in the Bay Area with the gospel is to plant and establish healthy local churches.

The number of churches that are needed to serve these people is vastly disproportionate to the number of churches that are currently being planted.

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.

We are committed to aggressively and responsibly assisting gifted and called church planters in the Bay Area.

Therefore, we are committed to partnering with these leaders in order to ensure they have all they need to do what God has sent them to do. We take seriously the need to connect new planters to those who have experienced the unique challenges of planting a church in the Bay Area and support them throughout the process.

Revitalizing Needy Churches

In the course of the life of a church, sometimes it experiences a season of decline or lack of thriving. However, this doesn’t mean that God is through using them for the sake of the gospel.

In some cases a needy church simply requires a fresh infusion of grace through coaching and consulting in order to recapture its vitality.

As we meet churches who find themselves in this state of dryness, we want to assess their needs in order to evaluate what they require in order to flourish and thrive once again.

Much like a wilted plant that has strong roots but cries out for water, we want to help these churches experience the refreshment and revitalization that comes from connection to like-minded gospel partners.

Bayseed Collective is committed to pouring into dry and needy churches with coaching and consulting. Watering them with the gospel and the wisdom of years of experience in ministry.

Resourcing Leaders for Churches

In general, church plant demands are great. The resources needed are myriad. In the Bay Area, some church planters experience sticker shock at the cost of living, scarcity of property, and dearth of like-minded partners in the area.

It sometimes makes one wonder how it can be done.

We trust the Lord to provide all we need. However, we also recognize that God uses people to carry forth his plans and purposes.

We at Bayseed Collective strive to help church planting leaders to be adequately resourced to do the missional work God has called them to in one of the most costly mission fields in the United States.

We are looking to leverage the many different resources that church planters need in order to be free to make disciples, proclaim the gospel, lead & serve the church, and set up an outpost for the kingdom of God in the Bay Area.

This takes more funds, creative thinking, and placement opportunities. Our goal at Bayseed Collective is to connect called church planters with those resources.

Become a Collective Partner

We would love for you to become one of our ministry partners and together help us reproduce, revitalize, and resource thriving churches in the San Francisco Bay area.

All US giving is tax-deductible