About Us

The Bayseed Vision & Mission

Bayseed is a collective of missional partners for the reproducing, revitalizing, and resourcing of thriving churches in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The vision of the Bayseed Collective is an ever-increasing number of adequately equipped leaders who are serving an ever-increasing number of thriving churches that are effecting gospel transformation in one of the most humanly significant yet spiritually impoverished places in the United States.

Our mission is to forge and facilitate the strategic partnerships necessary to provide the generous assistance uniquely required for gospel advancement to spread and flourish throughout the Bay Area.

Simply put, we connect missional partners with missional efforts for the sake of the gospel in new and renewing churches.

The Bayseed Values

Our vision for new and renewing churches in the Bay Area is driven by a set of philosophical and missional values that we believe should be present in all Bayseed Collective initiatives:


Parish, a term steeped in the rich tapestry of church history, is more than just a geographical designation; it embodies a theology of place and gives us a framework for ministry. Unlike the homogenous unit principle which encouraged the selecting of a particular group of people with similar affinities and life experiences as a target group, the “target group” for parish ministry is defined by our neighbors–all of the people in a particular place.

The scope of parish ministry is far-reaching. The oft-quoted declaration by Abraham Kuyper is true! “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, ‘Mine!'” This profound assertion encapsulates the missiology of our parish philosophy as a ground-redeeming, place-making activity that aims at the exultation of Christ in the lives of all neighbors in all of life. While it is an accepted fact of humanity that “birds of a feather flock together” and that proximity naturally occurs with shared social, political, ethnic, and cultural values, we confidently believe that the Creator of Place has also made geographical proximity a key indicator in who we should love, evangelize, and take responsibility for in the name of Jesus.

A parish church is a community of Kingdom citizens united in love to worship, fellowship, serve, and gather in a place that functions as an outpost of the Kingdom gladly submitting all of life under the life-giving Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Place Making

Within the boundaries of parish ministry, we want to witness the transformative power of reclaiming spaces marred by sin and neglect and turning them into places for gospel flourishing. It is a calling that extends beyond mere physical boundaries, encompassing a spiritual mission of reconciliation with a holistic view of the people and place among whom God has sent the church. The church approaches the people in their parish not only as spiritually lost souls needing a spiritual passport to eternity, but as people disconnected from their own place despite whatever sense of belonging they may have. As one theologian so poignantly said, “Strangers are people without place” and as Christian ambassadors, the church sees all of their neighbors as strangers in their own land. They may be indigenous natives of the land, but sin has made them foreigners. Therefore, a new or renewing church wants to cultivate a place where individuals can tangibly encounter the presence of God and finally be at home.

Place-making in parish ministry mirrors the overarching theme of the Bible: the defining of, and restoration of, a place and its people through Divine Presence. The earth is a place made out of the vacuous meaninglessness of space by the creative Word of God. It is a place made for fellowship with God and enjoyment of all his Creation. It serves as a setting for humanity’s divine rendezvous with God in all his holiness and beauty. Though it has been marred by sin and death, in horrific ugliness compared to its original beauty, it is going to be restored to glory and inhabited by glorified people. Parish churches become the stage where this encounter unfolds as the prelude to the final consummation.

Place-making is physical, spiritual, and social work in neighborhoods where tangible and recognizable gospel-beautification is taking place in the eyes of the world in a way that not only calls them to repentance but blesses them with the presence of Divine Goodness, the fragrance of Christ.

Place-making within the context of parish ministry emerges as a beacon of hope, a platform on which God’s presence is magnified and acknowledged in a specific location. It serves as a prelude to the inevitable restoration promised in the Redemption narrative, offering a foretaste of the ultimate reconciliation between God and humanity. And, there is no better way to do this than through dynamic neighborhood churches!

Plurality & Parity in Leadership
Most churches that flourish and endure have been churches tenderly led and served by a plurality of elders who cooperate in humble parity with one another. Aside from the biblical evidence for this model of church leadership, we believe that the practical benefits of planting or revitalizing local churches with a team of co-equals are so significant that we make this a distinguishing feature of the churches we are fully vested in. We believe solo church planters and revitalizers are vulnerable to multiple temptations and struggles that can be avoided by plurality and parity from day one.

Plurality of leadership and team ministry is modeled throughout the New Testament and especially in the example of the Apostle Paul. Paul never served alone. There were four types of people that point to a plurality of leadership and team ministry wherever God sent him with the gospel. The Peter & James leadership types were co-equals and mentors to whom he was accountable. The Timothy & Titus leadership types were the co-workers who also served as pastoral leaders on the mission field. The Pricilla & Aquila types were the professionals who uprooted themselves from one place and planted themselves in another place for the sake of helping to establish local churches as financially independent ministry team members under Paul’s leadership. The Phoebe & Lydia types were the deeper pockets that shared wealth and homes for the advancement of the cause. We strongly believe that our partnered churches should seek to assemble teams with a similar makeup of diversity and gifting.

However, in addition to a church plant/revitalization team, we believe that the church should be led by elders who are co-equal in authority and cooperative in mutual submission. Parity is, therefore, much more than plurality. It is a concentrated self-denial and mutual submission of strong leaders to each other for the sake of spiritual growth, the advancement of their shared mission, and the spiritual and pastoral care of both their personal lives and the lives of the churches they lead.

Therefore, we are committed to supporting pastoral leaders along with an identifiable team of Christian servants who combine a variety of gifts and strengths that fill out the various tasks necessary to plant and revitalize flourishing churches.

Planting Pregnant
Naturally, having a plurality of leaders will lead to another value: planting pregnant. Like the Church of Antioch in Acts 13, having a deep bench of gifted leaders leads to the flexibility to send more church planters. We want every church we invest in to have a heart and intentional trajectory for planting the next church! We aim to plant churches that plant churches. We believe that true life is reproductive life and that the seeds of the future ought to be conscientiously identified and nurtured at the inception of a new ministry.
Partnered for the Long Haul

Ultimately, we humbly acknowledge that such kingdom endeavors necessitate long-term partnership. We are a collective in the sense that we are committed to facilitating the mutually life-giving relationships between leaders and churches that are necessary for saturating the Bay Area with the gospel. It takes a great degree of support and shared resources to begin a church plant or revitalization work in this mission field and we believe that what it takes to get things started is what it will take to thrive for the long-haul. Therefore, Bayseed Collective values regular and intentional cooperation between leaders and churches.

The Bayseed Leadership & Staff

Bob Bixby

Founder & President

Ian McConnell

Director of Development

Ricky Blaha

Director of Networking

Royce Ruiz

Director of Operations

Sasha Kryuchkov

Director of Stewardship

Jennie Bixby

Executive Administrator

Peter Pray

Property Manager

Become a Collective Partner

We would love for you to become one of our ministry partners and together help us reproduce, revitalize, and resource thriving churches in the San Francisco Bay area.

All US giving is tax-deductible